Brazanja - mother of dressage exports

Brazanja (5) 15039 by Brabant 448 out of Poncia (5) 11597 by Pontus 497-Toreador 418 was born 1981. Her breeder was Evert Håkansson. As 1-year old Brazanja was sold to Inger Persson in Lövestad. Brazanjas mother Poncia was a diploma mare and grandmother Patricia (5) 9246 got a A-premium for her offsprings.
Brazanja belongs to mare familj 5, Hoby family, which is one of the larges mare familys in Sweden. Brazanjas first offspring was born 1985 (a mare by Orust 639) and 1986 was a colt (by Magini 695) namned Martell born.

Martell got 699 for his gaites as 4-year old. He was sold to USA and then to a lady in Mexico. Martell was trained by Herbert Rehbein in Germany. Karin Rehbain competed Martell in the German dressage championship 1997.

Brazanjas daughter Tiara (5) 28254 (born 1999 by Tip-Top 962) has got five offsprings.