35 called the Ulla-family
Foundation mare Cyrsan RÄ II 1027 (black, 158 cm) was born 1912 in Sweden. She was by Cyveton out of Inis by Galant - Eolus.
Cyrsan RÄ II 1027 left 6 offsprings of which one was a Studbook mare, Allis 1457 (born 1917 by Alsund). Allis 1457 left only one offspring, the Studbook mare Alsy RÅa 1688 (born 1924 by Pikör). Alsy RÄa 1688 left the Studbook mare Ulla 3258 (born 1936 by Svante).
Ulla 3258 left 12 offsprings of which three were mares in the Studbook, Dacky 4139 (born 1940 by Kyffhäuser), Hamly 4955 (born 1943 by Hamlet), Ullmi 5816 (born 1953 by Mistral xx) and two stallions, Ullman 246 (born 1941 by Hamlet) and Helmuth 350 (born 1950 by Bohème xx).
Licensed stallions out of the mare line:
Ullman 246 (born 1941 by Hamlet out of Ulla (35) 3258)
Helmuth 350 (born 1950 by Bohème xx out of Ulla (35) 3258)
Vagabond 433 (born 1963 by Drabant 315 out of Harriet (35) 5957)
Dawson 442 (born 1964 by Drabant 315 out of Daga (35) 6470)
Galant 486 (born 1970 by Jovial 369 out of Harita (35) 7105) approved in Sweden, Switzerland and France
Voltaire 754 (born 1984 by out of Ippomea (35) 14503)
Berlioz 978 (born 1996 by Briar 899 out of Idé (35) 21682)
Cyklon 1083 (born 2001 by Cardento 933 out of Cassandra (35) 25926) exported to USA
Successful sport horses out of the mare line:
Ullvia (born 1949 by Bohème xx out of Ullmi (35) 5816) S-level show jumping
Kurir (born 1982 by Karakoll 576 out of Jennifer (35) 12989) S-level eventing
Dynamite (born 1987 by Son of a Gun xx out of Inga (35) 14413) S-level eventing
Windwalker (born 1990 by Nebraska 627 out of Idun (35) 18992) S-level eventing
Isidor (born 1996 by Guinness 888 out of Ida (35) 18224) international dressage (Louise Nathorst)
Cyklon 1083 (born 2001 by Cardento 933 out of Cassandra (35) 25926) international show jumping
Borichie (born 2005 by Richfield 1061 out of Boogie (35) 24680) S-level dressage
I do Kiss (born 2006 by French Kiss out of Idonna (35) 27549) international dressage (Naima Moreira Laliberté)
Tora (born 2013 by Toulouse out of Quicla (35)) international show jumping (Antonia Andersson)
Click here to see Allis 1457 and her descendant in the Swedish Warmblood Association database.