The Swedish Warmblood studbook is 2d in the HorseTelex (earnings) ranking (from 2017-01-01 to 2017-02-14) in dressage.

Five Swedish Warmblood horses are included in the rankings:

Deja (born 2004 by Silvano out of Donellie by Don Schufro-Amiral, breeder Marie Harward)/ rider Patrik Kittel (SWE),
Paridon Magi
(born 2003 by Don Primero out of Napoli (55) 19311 by Napoleon-Monaco, breeder Niclas Magnusson) / rider
Tinne Vilhelmson Silfvén (SWE),
(born 1999 by D-Day out of Alitalia 18708 by Napoleon-Herkules, breeder Christina Almström) / rider Jacqueline Brooks (CAN),
Donnatelli (born 2001 by Don Schufro out of Tusensköna (65) 21713 by Martini-Iran, breeder Birgitta Kjellin AB) / rider John McGinty (USA) and
Bailar (born 2002 by Babar out of Jete by Luneur-, breeder Nancy Lee) / junior rider Dallas McCullough (USA).
