CSI***** Lyon, France october 31- november 2
Lauren Hough (USA) and Ohlala (SWB born 2004 by Orlando out of Carrera 28800 by Cardento-Bonaparte, breeder Leif Nilsson) placed 6th in 1.60, World Cup and 11th in 1.50-1.60, Longines Grand Prix.
Pénélope Leprevost (FRA) and Nice Stephanie (SWB born 2004 by Cardento out of Ralméa (36) 22164 by Ralmé Z-Abbé, breeder Karin Engström and Stefan Israelsson) placed 11th in 1.60, Equita Masters and 9th in 1.50, Prix Région Rhône-Alpes.
José Maria Larocca (ARG) and GDE Matrix (SWB born 2002 by Cardento out of Medusa 17845 by Maximus-Drabant, breeder Charlotta and Jan Forsman) placed 5th in 1.50-1.60, Prix Merial.