From F2, Flyingefamily, descended
Brisbane 1081
Chicago Z 1114
Briar 899
From 5, Hobyfamily, descended Piaff 399
From 46, Piledalfamily, descended Toy Story
For many decades, Swedish Warmblood has delivered highly successful horses for breeding and for sports.
This didn’t just happen by chance, but has been the result of methodically bred mare lines and the knowledgeable experience of the breeders over many years. The knowledge of these mare lines is therefore essential.
The Swedish Warmblood mare lines are indicated from the numbers 1 to 78 and F1 to F6 (F stands for Flyinge).
The Dutch magazine ”Sport Horse Breeding” ranks the mare families whose offspring had the most success in dressage in the World. In 2009 Spindafamily, F2 was in 2d place, in 7th place was Amurthafamily, 36 and in 11th place was Lessyfamily, 65.
Click on the family name for a short information.
SWB Studbooks, Joja Lewenhaups stallionbooks (nr 1-4), "Den svenska varmblodshästens historia under 200 år" (Kurt Graaf), "Ölands hästar" (Peo Larsson, Hella Schulze), "Riksstovinnare genom tiderna 1970-2009", SWANA, FEI and various competition result lists.